2013년 4월 3일 수요일

What is happiness?(discussion in Mr.Garrioch's class and the prezi)

                                This video is about GNH(Gross National Happiness) Enjoy the video!

In April third, I made a prezi and presented it in front of  Mr.Garrioch's english conversation class! Minseok Koo and I were in the same group, and we had to make a prezi together. However, at first, we had a hard time choosing the topic. But at last, we decided to talk about the real 'happiness'. We though this could be a hard and abstract topic, but this was the topic that everyone should constantly think in their life. Therefore, with our thoughts and knowledge, we made a prezi.

First, we discussed about the relationship between wealth and happiness.
Does having a lot of money make one happy?   This was the question we throw and the whole class actively discussed about this point.

Second, we discussed about the relationship between social status and happiness.
Graduation a good high school or university and gaining lots of fame makes one happy?
Having an occupation like a doctor, which everyone respects always make one happy?
This was a hard question. We had to both consider the reality. We also looked at many examples related to this topic.

At the end, Minseok explained an interesting speech from a Korean millionaire.

This millionaire addressed in front of t'he people:
"I have 1000억(uk) won. From 1000, 3 zeros each symbolize my fame, wealth and authority. BUT! If I erase 1 in front of 3 zeros, it becomes nothing. This 1 is the most important part of my whole life. This 1 can be different and it depends on each person. To me, it is my family."

Minseok introduced this AWESOME speech and the whole classed was surprise!
We talked about this 1 through out the class.

In this class, by preparing and presenting the prezi, I learned a lot. We had a fun discussion with Mr.Garrioch  about the real happiness. This was kind of philosophical and deep, but it made us think critically. I think this discussion can not end until the end of my life and I will PURSUE my happiness since then!

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