After the mid-term exam, KMLA 18th wave students got away from Hoengseong, visiting America or Europe, in order to refresh themselves from a busy life and seeking for their future vision. I went to Europe, even though the most of the international field students were heading East to America. This was because I have never been to Europe while I have lived for about 11months near Boston, America.
Trip in Europe was long and exciting. I almost loved every single moment of the trip. However, I couldn't forget my important memories of 3 days in Paris. So I will write about what I have cited in Paris.
Paris, France
Paris is one of the most well known and globalized city in the world. Thousands of people visit Paris every day, and diverse cultures exist in this city. To me, Paris was the best place in my Vision Trip. Every part of the city, parks, towers, buildings, streets was awesome to me, and I even planned to live in Paris at least for 5 years in my future life. So, what made me think this way about Paris?
Trash cans of Paris |
First, I liked the streets of Paris. It was very very very, and very clean. Trash cans that look like the picture below was placed in every 5 meters of the street. Therefore, people could easily throw away their trash in the bins, without just throwing it on the street. I kind of saw French people's culture throughout this. French people are famous of having strong pride and self-esteem towards their country and its culture. They love their history, heritage and their city. Therefore, I think this kind of characteristic made them put so many trash cans on the streets, and keep it clean. All the citizens in Paris worked together to preserve their landmarks, buildings and even a small street. Therefore, Paris itself is a huge, well conserved museum. I also thought that in order for Korea to develop more, we should love our country more and work on preserving our important culture and heritages.